February 21, 2025
Dear friends,
This week, I found myself reflecting on the enduring nature of friendship and faith as I attended the funeral visitation for the 90-year-old father of a close friend from my younger days. While such occasions are always tinged with sadness, it felt great reconnecting with familiar faces – including some I hadn’t seen in more than 35 years!
As I spoke with my old friend — he lives in another state now — he shared a sentiment that really hit home: “While we may lose touch, we never lose the friendship.” His words reminded me that the bonds we forge, particularly those rooted in shared experience, possess a remarkable resilience. Even when separated by time and distance, these connections continue to shape who we are and offer comfort in times of sorrow.
Similarly, our relationship with Christ is an unbreakable bond that transcends the trials and tribulations of this earthly life. Just as my friend’s father is now embraced by the loving arms of our Savior – he was a long-time elder in the church where I grew up — so too are we promised eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
As we navigate the complexities of life, let us draw strength and encouragement from the enduring power of both earthly and heavenly relationships. May we cherish the friendships that enrich our lives and find solace in the unwavering love of God, who promises to never leave us nor forsake us.
Looking forward to renewing our friendships on Sunday!
Pastor Dan