Pastor Dan is away on military leave. During his absence, Pastor Bob Cornwall is filling in.

May 17, 2024

Dear Church,

I trust you enjoyed Pastor Dan’s video appearance this past Sunday while I was out west visiting my mother and other friends and family. We enjoyed our time in Oregon (with a brief cross over into the state of Washington). For someone who lived most of his life in Oregon and California, the one thing I’ve missed by living here in Michigan is the mountains. It was good to be in the mountains even if for a short time. But I’m back for a few Sundays before Cheryl and I make one last trip west to see family.

Now, for the upcoming Sunday. Pentecost Sunday has arrived. Pentecost Sunday is considered the third holiest day in the church year. As I will mention Sunday, this is the day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus, empowering their witness to the good news of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. When the Spirit comes upon the people, they are empowered to share the good news in languages unknown to them. The result is a great harvest of new followers. Instead of looking at Acts 2, this Sunday we’ll look at John 15 and 16, where Jesus tells his followers that while he would be leaving them, he wasn’t leaving them alone. Rather, he would send the Paraclete (Advocate/Comforter), a term John uses to describe the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, we’re told here, will lead Jesus’ disciples into the truth and glorify Jesus by taking what belongs to Jesus and sharing it with his followers. Although we were not there when Jesus made that promise, the promise itself has been passed on generation by generation, so that we might know the truth. That’s important in an age when we’re not always sure what is true. You may have heard of “alternative facts,” well the Holy Spirit isn’t in the business of sharing alternative facts.

I look forward to sharing in worship again this coming Sunday. Remember Pentecost Sunday is the day to wear red!!


Pastor Bob